Thursday, November 7, 2013

Hello cats and kittens!
ZouZou here from Soraia, and I'm feeling proud and excited to start blogging about all things Zou. I wanted to start writing because, (a), I am a writer, thus, I love to write. I want to start the day by telling everyone what's going on with me. It kind of holds me accountable to my life in a new way, and I want to hear from you, too! Which brings me to the next point, (b), I want to interact more with you. I share a lot of things on Facebook, true,true. But this is my opportunity to quit with the brevity---or not, depending on the day---but be freer to post whatever my heart's content. As verbose-ly as I like! FREEDOM! So, lookout, MAN!, I'm-a-comin'!